Sunday, April 10, 2016

There is no place like home

Over the last few weeks it has been a whirl wind with the release of the book, "Murder on 520 Bassett Street" as I finally got it on line to be purchased and have ordered copies of the book for local sales.

Yesterday, I participated in the local "Author's Showcase" that went well and now I am preparing for my next venue to be held on April 23, held at the Retro Record Shop on Ridgecrest Boulevard starting at noon.

This will be a one woman show starting at noon were the first 15 minutes will be donated to people settling in along with my brothers cd playing welcoming everyone.

What is special about the event, there will be my painting of my work that correspond with the one's used in the book. You may not know but I used art as therapy to help me get to the other side.

Pictured are the paintings that my brother recently brought back that where they were on display in Sedona.

I didn't open the box until last night and thought, "My friends are home." With a dear friend in my life whose all the painting together he was other-welmed with the beauty and magical power they brought into the home.

I was told when they were on display in Sedona that people would stare and study them but not one sale. I thought hmmm, I wonder why.

Andy said, "It makes sense Deborah, they are home now. These painting are from this area. You can feel it. Those were not Sedona painted skies but skies from the area where these were born."

I got it. I looked at them around the room and had to smile. My friends are here and didn't want to get separated. They are here for my upcoming event so everyone will be able to see collectively the power they have.

Welcome home my friends.