Murder on 520 Bassett Street

Paradigm of collateral damage to the soul
By Deborah Mills

A paradigm philosophical and theoretical framework of a scientific school or discipline within which theories, laws, and generalizations and the experiments performed in support of them are formulated – Merriam Webster 

This book represents the paradigm of collateral damage, or is it? Collateral damage, defined in the dictionary as: injury inflicted on something other than an intended target. I often times think we both were the target and I will never know the true motive.

This book is the framework about justice, truth and my journey through being a victim/witness in South Monterey County. Part of this process is selfish and selfless at the same time. Now after the loss of my sweet Anthony on that fateful day on December 4, 2012, I first found myself on April 16, 2014 preparing to finally go to trial against the man Ruben Chavez Laveaga who brutally came into our home and decided to take Rodger “Anthony” Esquivel’s precious life away.

The irony is just ten days almost to the year another hearing is scheduled on April 6, 2015 to set the trial date. Yes he is behind bars yet I want him to have a permanent address. 

Another bit of irony is that on April 17, 2015 I will be attending the Monterey County District Attorney’s annual Victims’ Dedication Ceremony for the third time in a row.

At 6:35 a.m. my life was changed forever and shall never be the same again but it is my hopes to take this tragic loss and help someone else who may find themselves in this awkward life moment and the club we didn’t want to join. Through my tears, pain, grief and strength, it is my hopes of sharing this experience that some good will come from this horrible event.

Deborah Mills
March 17, 2015 

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