Saturday, October 3, 2015

It came to me in the middle of the night...
It was about three weeks ago and it hit me like a bolt of lighting where my painting have simple lines with trying to create action at the same time. I guess it laid deep in my psyche that back in the 80's I use to sell Keith Haring's work. 

The appeal was his simple figures that would dance across the canvas, always with an underlying meaning. His of course were more of a social standing and often times making a political statement. 

My work is soft at heart and doesn't need to make a point in life because I do that everyday as a reporter. 

The contrast of the written word and my paintings are miles apart but still close. I am not sure how to describe it best.

To best describe my work I say it is organic, primitive with everlasting meaning.

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Artist Exhibit
On Saturday September 12, 5 p.m. there will be an art exhibit of the recent work of Deborah Mills, Artist, Writer and Survivor at the Super 8 in Ridgecrest with the gracious Proprietors Mayank Vankawala and Pinkal Panchael. 

The exhibit of her recent petroglyph canvas paintings taken from the Coso Range Shaman rock art images and how they have spoken to her and helped heal her life all have a story to tell of their own.

Her brother DiVoM proper noun David Vincent Mills
"providing audio to the visual"
 Artist Reception on September 12 at 5 p.m.
Jazz Composer and Musician

She is honored that her brother will be making the trek from Sedona to be apart of her special day of the Artist Reception held at the Super 8 in Ridgecrest. 

She knew at the age of two he had it. Music that is. She had taken lessons and could sight read but didn't have the feel. She remembers one day he not being taller than a grasshopper in his PJ's with his little fingers hitting the notes on the piano. 

To find out about his music visit
To find out more about Deborah and her recent work visit
TO RSVP PLEASE CLICK ON FOLLOWING LINK....      Finding my way through artist reception

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

 My brother DiVoM proper noun David Vincent Mills
"providing audio to the visual"
On my Artist Reception on September 12
Finding my way through...
I am honored that my brother will be making the trek from Sedona to be apart of my special day of the Artist Reception held at the Super 8 in Ridgecrest. 

I knew at the age of two he had it. Music that is. I took lessons and could sight read but didn't have the feel. I remember one day he not being taller than a grasshopper in his PJ's with his little fingers hitting the notes on the piano. 

His ears perked up. He heard something I didn't and his face was a glow. I knew then he had it. He had the gift of music.

Come out and see he on September 12 at the Super 8 on China Lake Blvd. at 5 p.m. and explore his world and my world as brother and sister.

Be there or be square. 

To find out more about his music please visit his website at

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Artist Exhibit
On Saturday September 12, 5 p.m. there will be an art exhibit of the recent work of Deborah Mills, Artist, Writer and Survivor at the Super 8 in Ridgecrest with the gracious Proprietors Mayank Vankawala and Pinkal Panchael. 

The exhibit of her recent petroglyph canvas paintings taken from the Coso Range Shaman rock art images and how they have spoken to her and helped heal her life all have a story to tell of her own. 

It all came to with the first painting entitled, "The Protector" which represents her husband that was tragically murdered on December 4, 2012. The juxtaposition of the painting is two voices bonding as one representing two lives in the world of seeking of justice.

Ridgecrest has provided her the means of deep healing and starting anew. 

At 6 p.m. a dialogue from Deborah will be given describing the process of how art heals if you open your heart and let it speak. 

In addition, her brother Jazz Musician and Composer David Vincent Mills is making the trek from his busy schedule in Sedona to be here to accompany her exhibit with his musical heart speaking the language of the work presented through the bonding of brother and sister. 

Artist reception food fare will be served.

To follow Deborah and her path of healing visit

Prior to the event stories will be shared with the pieces that will be on display at the event regarding the history of the original petroglyph and what sparked a light in the artists heart.

P.S. For friends visiting from a far the Super 8 is offering a special discount to those who attend the event. Private message me for details.

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Today feels like a day to discuss Birdman. I didn't know it was Birdman until it was pointed out to me by Mayank Vankawala when I posted the question on Facebook as to the name of this painting. He and his wife will be the hosting my upcoming show which you will find out more about later.

As some of you know my art has become my healing. My sense of empowerment over the tragic lost of Anthony. Just last week I was faced again with the DA Investigator preparing for the trial of his murder in order to seek justice.

When I feel I need to figure out my thoughts and heart I have turned to the paint brush, canvas and the mystical environment of the Coso Range petroglyphs. Somehow they lead me down a path of understanding, protection, and well self mind being.

When I started this painting I reflected on Caroline Maddock's book "A study of the Coso Patterned Body Anthropomorphs" which her dedication to the study of the rock art spans over 40 years of documentation of these wonderful gifts.

My conception of what we now call Birdman came from her book and the findings of the original Petroglpyh is in Big Petroglyph Canyon. In her notations in the book she refers to this image as a "superimposed over a repaginated anthropomorph. The small figure that appears to be peeking out from behind the larger one is repaginated and belongs to the older anthropomorph."

The difference from the original and my vision of it is that I didn't add the lower sheep at the feet of the shaman.

I wasn't quite sure what the painting was saying to me until Mayank named it Birdman. I was asking myself what did he see that I did not? Maybe it was the feet.

All I know is when I completed the painting I texted Anthony's brother and sister and said it was time. Time to release his ashes in the ocean. I talked to Angie first and she asked, "Why now?" I said "I finished this painting and it came to me."

You see the family for awhile waited to release his ashes in the ocean and I was having no part of it because I needed him. I needed him to be here with me for strength. I refused to comply with anger.

In the place I moved to in Soledad I had an alter at the front door. I would see Anthony's urn every time I left the house and every time when I came home. It gave me great comfort. The same alter is here but it is different for me now.

I then talked to Roland and he wanted to know if I talked to my therapist and I said "No. I painted a painting and it is time. I don't understand why now but he is in my heart and no one can take that away."

I talked to my brother, David Vincent Mills, who is so dear to my heart. I had forwarded him the photo of Birdman. Bang!

On top of the Shamans's head to me was a lamb that had been slaughtered. My brother saw a quail and not a lamb. I cried and cried. I see now. Maybe that was what Mayank saw but we haven't had time to talk.

I looked as Anthony as the slaughtered lamb, which he was but now at this time he, is a bird ready for flight. You see, Anthony always wanted to be a Falconer. More will come out of this in the book in the works.

The symbolism was so strong that it overwhelmed me. He is no longer the lamb but a red tail hawk. It is time for me to set him free and for me to heal and to become stronger than ever for my upcoming event where I represent two lives and not one.


I think you can only imagine where I was in this painting. Yes the little person looking up for guidance.

Sunday, July 19, 2015

The Protector
The Protector is the first painting I did and is inspired by the Petroglyphs that are found in the Canyon Coso Range. Recently transplanted here, actually a leap of faith brought me here as I am in the final stages of waiting to go to trial and have justice served.

The story behind the Protector piece which was painted on June 21, 2015 is really the new beginning of my healing process. Now I can sleep at night and haven't had any night terrors since I moved to Ridgecrest, California. 

The message from the Protector is the "v" at the neck, two voices bond together acting as one, representing two lives but with one voice. The two halves of one heart, one from each other, still connected but separate to the body and yet still grounded to the earth. The head is in the heavens.

The loss of Anthony is so deep that I have one memory in my heart and have to accept that the two halves will never be whole again on this earth. He is my Protector and has gotten me here today. I reside now in the high desert where the wind is magical and the sacred ground that I walk upon keeps me safe. I never thought I would land here but I did and I am all the better for it.

I think the symbolism speaks loudly in this piece. I am his voice, he is my heart. When doing this painting I just flowed with it and no sketch was done prior. It just came to me like the "W" that happens here.