Wednesday, August 24, 2016

"Catch me if you Can"

This piece is so special to me. It was done just three days after I was diagnosed with brain cancer. From the shock of everything and my dear friend Andy Stamford who stayed by my side got me through the first trauma of it all.

First, he put in a call to the office stating money verses flowers in which everyone adhered to and I got the best round of fresh produce, which was the beginning of my Alkaline diet.

We went out into the desert and I found this piece of rock art and was excited over it. I went home and painted immediately “Catch me if you Can.” I knew I wasn’t wasting time but it was a challenge.

I knew it was a matter of putting a square peg in a round hole and I just needed to figure it out and I did.

I love this little painting and it sits prominently in my home.

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