Wednesday, August 10, 2016

A New Beginning

Finding my way through Pt 2
A Conversation Point
“Why am I still here today?”

My Enchanted Tea Cottage
214 W.Ridgecrest Blvd.

An evening with Deborah Mills, Artist, Writer & Survivor
Buy your tickets on line here
$15 per person
includes: a fresh, healthy desert along with select ice tea

Pre-paid Reservations 
Doors open at 6 p.m.

With the book, “Murder on 520 Bassett Street” one would think the conclusion to a three year battle to take one man down out of 29 men leaving 28 unsolved murders in the little town of City of King City with population rate of over 13 thousand would be a resolution; but it was not, it is the beginning of Pt 2.

Mills will tell the story how, when it was all over, a serious brain tumor left her debilitated from expressing herself and left her locked inside her own brain. Through strength, she is finding her way back knowing she is going to get through this. Be sure to cheer her on at this year’s Relay for life Survivor lap at Cerro Coso College on Oct.1  at 9 a.m. where she will be wearing a t-shirt bearing the motto of “Warrior Woman, a cry from with-in.”

72 hours cancellation for credit only by email

Sorry there is no credit or refunds for "No Shows" or less then 72 hours notice.

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