Thursday, August 11, 2016

Thoughts to hold onto

Thoughts to hold onto

"I need to reach out to you
and tell you what I have seen
since you began this latest journey.
You are such a bright light and you glow at this time,
and there is so much life in you. You glow,
look softer and seem to radiate LOVE..."  ANI LYNE -  

"Why am I still here?" bears great meaning to me because I am in the present and absorbing life to the fullest I possibly can with being "here" and not over "there" somewhere listening to the shuffle of life passing me by.

My life is full because I am open for it to be full of wonderful people, thoughts and sharing the new found spring into life. It hard to describe but shall share some stories with you that may bring it to life.

The other day, I was leaving the gym, a little late for me after big in the pool and went into the locker room. I took my changing room and hence began to change my clothes. The acoustics in that room have a soft echo and I heard this voice emerge from no where. I put my head out the door and looked down the hallway to see one shower room was being used with their items of possession, normal things like a towel, workout bag and a pair of shoes on the ground. 

I remember only seeing a petite young Asian woman quietly moving about earlier and wondered if if was her.

With a slow start, this woman behind the shower curtain began to sing an Italian aria with a slow start. I quietly backed into the changing room to sit down to see what would transpired.

The words rolled off her tongue as if the sun was raising up in the morning sky, slow steady, but perfect in every way.  It was like the parting of night into a bright new day.

As she proceeded I received goose flesh on my arms. She didn't miss a note and the music rolled out of her mouth like she was preparing for a lifetime experience. Each note strong, each note sincere, expressing a story I didn't understand but touched my heart.

I sat still and closed my eyes to listen, not only my head but my heart. Tears began to roll down my face as I listened as her voice resonated through-out my heart.

It felt like I was there for hours and when I was preparing to leave she was still singing. I wanted to only be a fly on the wall, which I was, and left discretely. 

That was the most multi-level experience I have had filled with love, sorrow and peace. I shall never forget this very special moment in time.

That night, I slept like an angel in the depths of her gift.

In contrast to this story, that seems to have some sort of morality to it, is the day before when I was at Starbucks, a couple, who evidently was over "there" was causing an inter-personal discord in the store. I got my water and moved outside to be away from it, just raising my shield a bit to blend into the background.

About five minutes later, the wife come storming out the store ranting and raving gibberish about how she never buys anything until she knows if she "likes it" and it was up to her husband to "buy one" to see if indeed she would" like it. She did like it, but it would have taken too long for her timeframe to have it made to her specifications.

Anyway, she stood next to their brand new hybrid vehicle and proceeded to kick the side door panels ranting, "Let me in the car, let me in the car now!"

That night I slept like an angel too, but in a different realm of, not really feeling sorry for her but I knew when to place my shield up to forget the negativity she displayed.

I knew why I was "here" and she was over "there" and it is a choice one makes that can not impede on my soul. The gift is at one's hands if you pay attention.

"There is something magical happening with you. Your vibration is raising , which is very important as you know in letting go of any dis-ease in one's body." Ani Lyne

Ani Lyne, Sedona Arizona

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